E-books, E-audio & Downloadable Movies
As a JCPL patron, you have access to our digital collections 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, using your home computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet device.
E-books, Magazines & Comic Books
You can check out and read our E-books, Magazines and comic books directly from the internet, then download and read them on supported tablets, smartphones and E-readers, as well as your home computer.
E-books and Comics can be checked out for three weeks and will return automatically.
Downloadable magazines can be kept on your device as long as you want.

E-audiobooks & Music
You can check out and listen to E-audiobooks and music directly from the internet. Download them over wi-fi to your mobile device and take them on the go! Listen in your car or on a run. You can also listen to audiobooks and music on tablets and personal computers.
E-audiobooks can be checked out for three weeks, and return automatically.
Music titles can be checked out for seven days and will return automatically.
Movies & TV
You can check out movies and TV episodes directly from the internet. Stream the video to your laptop or home computer, or download to your phone or tablet and watch anywhere.
Movies and TV episodes can be checked out for three days and will return automatically.
Learn more about downloadable Movies & TV