E-audiobooks at Johnson County Public Library
How do I get e-audiobooks from the library?
You can check out e-audiobooks with your Johnson County Public Library card and read them on a computer or supported mobile device, including many smartphones and tablets.
We currently offer e-audiobooks from Hoopla, Blackstone and Libby which offers thousands of professionally narrated fiction & nonfiction audiobook titles from popular contemporary and classic authors.
How do I listen to online music from the library?
JCPL offers streaming and downloadable music via Hoopla. The Hoopla collection includes current and contemporary music in all genres, from many major and independent record labels.
What can I use to listen to e-audiobooks and music?
Hoopla offers downloadable apps for most smartphones and tablets. Visit the app store on your mobile device and search "Hoopla" to download.
You can stream e-audio and music titles on a desktop or notebook computer directly from the Hoopla website.
Due to restrictions from audio publishers, e-audio and music titles can not be transferred to stand-alone MP3 players.
How do I set up an account to listen to e-audiobooks and music?
Create an account with your library card number/email address for Hoopla. The username and password you create during the registration process can be used on the website and mobile apps. To access the Indiana Digital Library's collection, log in with your card number and PIN using the Libby app. Click here to sign up for Blackstone's unlimited collection with your email address and library card.
How much do e-audiobooks and music cost to check out?
E-audio titles are completely free to check out to all JCPL cardholders. E-audiobooks are automatically returned at the end of the three-week loan period.
How many E-audiobooks and music titles can I check out at once?
You can check out up to 10 "instant borrows" from Hoopla every month across all content formats and 8 audiobook "flex borrows". Checkout limits automatically reset to 10 "instant" titles on the first day of each month. You can check out 10 titles at a time from Libby. You have unlimited borrows with Blackstone and can keep them as long as you'd like.
You may check out the same music title up to twice during a one-month period.
How long can I keep downloadable audio titles?
E-audiobook checkouts last for 3 weeks. You may renew Hoopla titles before the loan period ends.
Music checkouts last for 7 days. You may check out the same music title up to twice during a one-month period.
Can I find e-audiobooks in JCPL's online catalog?
Titles in our Hoopla e-audio collection will appear in our online catalog. E-audiobook titles appear in the search results with the icon.

Click "Download" and enter your library card number and PIN.
Hoopla checkouts will appear in the "Digital Checkouts" tab on your online account.
I need more help accessing E-audio titles.
JCPL librarians are available for assistance by phone, in person or via web chat during normal library hours.
Detailed instructions on using Hoopla are available at the Hoopla Support Page, Libby or Blackstone.