Digital Resources for Saints Francis & Clare Students

If you don't know your SMART account number or need help accessing the resources, please
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*Library Card Number will equal SFC0 + Student ID Number. Pin Number will equal last four digits of student ID number.

Logo Artistworks

ArtistWorks for Libraries
Provides world-class instruction through self-paced video lessons from Grammy Award-winning music and artistic professionals.

AtoZtheWorld logo

AtoZ theWorld
Discover the culture, custom, food, religion, language, maps and points of interest of 170+ countries of the world. Great for international travel or school reports. 

Logo Cloud Library

Cloud Library
Contains over 15,000 popular fiction and nonfiction eBooks for readers of all ages. You can read Cloud Library titles on your computer and on many e-readers and mobile devices. 

LOTE4Kids logo

Our online database of digital picture books in World Languages that allows children to enjoy the magic of books in LOTE (Languages Other Than English). Each book provides the option to listen/watch with or without an English translation.

NoveList logo

The secret to finding your next great read. Get read-alikes and reading recommendations from librarians and other trusted experts. Tell us what you're in the mood for and we'll give you the perfect book.

Logo Transparent Language

Transparent Language Online
The most comprehensive, effective, and engaging way to learn over 120 languages, including Arabic, Chinese, ESL, French, Hindi, Japanese, Punjabi, Spanish and many more!

Logo Tumble Book Library

Tumble Book Library
TumbleBooks are animated, talking picture books which teach kids the joy of reading in a format they'll love. TumbleBooks are created by taking existing picture books, adding animation, sound, music and narration to produce an electronic picture book which you can read, or have read to you.
Note: this can only be accessed outside of the school/from home

Logo World Book Online

World Book Online
Online reference source--containing every article from the 22-volume encyclopedia print set plus thousands more. With state-of-the art multimedia, editor-reviewed Web sites, and more.

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