Digital Resources for Franklin College Students

If you don't know your SMART account number or need help accessing the resources, please CONTACT US

Need additional assistance on using our databases and resources? Watch our video tutorials through Niche Academy

Logo Artistworks

ArtistWorks for Libraries
Provides world-class instruction through self-paced video lessons from Grammy Award-winning music and artistic professionals.

AtoZdatabases logo

Find a job, business, person or create mailing lists and sales leads through AtoZdatabases, an essential tool for your marketing campaign. It will help you reach new movers and homeowners, as well as consumers by location, income, home value and interest.

AtoZtheWorld logo

AtoZ theWorld
Discover the culture, custom, food, religion, language, maps and points of interest of 170+ countries of the world. Great for international travel or school reports. 

Blackstone Unlimited logo

Blackstone Unlimited Audiobooks

Choose from over 5,000 adult fiction and nonfiction audiobooks in every genre imaginable. Titles are always available, so you never have to place a hold, and they stay on your Bookshelf until you remove them. 

Logo Cloud Library

Cloud Library
Contains over 15,000 popular fiction and nonfiction e-Books for readers of all ages. You can read cloudLibrary titles on your computer and on many e-readers and mobile devices.

Logo Cloud Library NewsStand

cloudLibrary NewsStand
Over 7,000 magazines in 60 languages are now available in the cloudLibrary service NewsStand.

Creativebug for Libraries

Creativebug For Libraries

An inspirational resource for DIY, crafters, and makers with more than 1,000 award-winning art and craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists. Sign up for your account using your card and an email address.

Gale Courses logo

Gale Courses
Offer a wide range of highly interactive courses that you can take at no cost. Courses run for six weeks and new sessions begin every month. All of our courses are led by expert instructors, many of whom are nationally known authors.

Heritage Quest

Heritage Quest
All U.S. census records from 1790-1930, more than 25,000 local histories and family genealogies, the Genealogical Periodical Source Index (PERSI), and Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files, all fully indexed and searchable.

hoopla logo

Hoopla Digital
Download or stream thousands of movies, television shows, music albums, audiobooks, e-books and comics via our Hoopla collection. 

Kanopy logo

Stream a classic or independent film from Kanopy.
How To Create an Account
Step 1.  Visit or download the Kanopy app to Sign Up
Step 2.  Click Add a Library Card.
Step 3.  Enter your library card # (user ID).
Step 4.  Create an account by filling in the required information (please use your student email address).
Step 5.  A verification email will be sent to you. Click on the link in the verification email.
Step 6.  Log in using the account information you created in step 4.

Libby logo

Libby/Indiana Digital Library
Nearly 200 public libraries in the state now share access to OverDrive/Libby within a consortium of e-Books, e-Audiobooks and magazines. The collection can be found under "Indiana Digital Library" within the Libby app. Get started here.  *Compatible with the Kindle Paperwhite.

LinkedIn Learning for Library logo

LinkedIn Learning for Library (formerly
Access thousands of video tutorials in Microsoft Office, Photoshop, web design, business, marketing and much more.

NoveList logo

The secret to finding your next great read. Get read-alikes and reading recommendations from librarians and other trusted experts. Tell us what you're in the mood for and we'll give you the perfect book.

Logo Transparent Language

Transparent Language Online
The most comprehensive, effective, and engaging way to learn over 120 languages, including Arabic, Chinese, ESL, French, Hindi, Japanese, Punjabi, Spanish and many more!