Other Sources of Free E-Books

We hope you enjoy the thousands of e-books, e-audiobooks, downloadable music, movies, comics and television shows available in the JCPL Digital Collection. There are lots of other great places on the Internet that offer free & legal eBooks, and other content for your e-readers and mobile devices.
EBSCO E-books, provided to Indiana residents by INSPIRE, offers a broad range of nonfiction titles including business and career titles, Cliffs Notes and books on self-help and personal development. EBSCO Public Library Collection provides general reference e-books for both adults and juveniles covering a wide range of topics such as self-help, fitness, games, hobbies and cooking.
- Project Gutenberg digitizes public domain e-books and makes them available for free download in a variety of formats.
- The Internet Archive collects digitized public domain e-books from a variety of partner libraries and cultural institutions and makes them available for download. The collection includes a large number of books for the Print Disabled community. The Archive also contains free media in many other formats, including audio, video, images and even computer software.
- Open Library is a wiki-style resource that is attempting to catalog every book ever published. They have over a million free e-books available to download.
- LibriVox offers free public domain audiobooks read by volunteers around the world. The audiobooks can be downloaded and played on a computer, iPod, or other mobile device. There are over 18,000 English-language audiobooks, as well as titles in other languages including Spanish, French & German.
- Open Textbook Library is a resource maintained by the University of Minnesota, providing a directory of peer reviewed academic textbooks that can be read and downloaded at no cost.
- Library of Congress provides access to hundreds of thousands of digitized Books in PDF format.
Materials that have entered the public domain are no longer protected by copyright, trademark or patent, and can usually be copied, altered and distributed without restriction. For much more information about the public domain, read this explainer from Stanford University Libraries.