Johnson County Public Library is committed to making our buildings, collections, programs, and services accessible to all community residents. If there’s anything we can do to help make the library more accessible for you, please Contact Us.
At Our Library Buildings
Building Access
Accessible parking spaces are available in the library’s parking lot. The front entrance has button-operated automatic doors.
Sensory kits are available at each of our branches. The kits include an essential oil diffuser, calming essential oil, CD player, CD with calming music, sensory tunnel, pressure mesh vest, eye mask, sensory brush, room divider for privacy, and tips for calming strategies. Noise muffling headphones for adults and children are also available at the desk.
Mobility Devices
Using our spaces should be easy. The following items are available upon request at our libraries:
Adult-sized wheelchair
Rollator walker
Shopping cart
Shopping baskets
Assistive Technology
Each branch has an accessible workstation available that includes a large-print keyboard and trackball mouse. Ease of Access (Microsoft’s accessibility features) has been enabled on all public internet computers. Please visit the reference desk for assistance.
During Programs
Interpreter Services
We encourage people of all abilities to participate in our programming! If you need accommodations, please contact the Programming Manager at or 317-738-9835. Please make your request as early as possible, ideally at least a week prior to the event so that we can make arrangements.
Accessibility of Library Materials
You can retrieve your holds without leaving your vehicle through our contact-free curbside pick-up option. Learn more about our curbside service here.
Homebound JCPL-To-Your-Door
Unable to come to the library due to illness, disability or quarantine? No problem: JCPL will come to you! Learn how to request items for homebound delivery here.
Accessible Collections
Library materials are offered in a variety of formats to meet the needs of a broad audience, including:
Indiana Talking Book & Braille Library: The Indiana Talking Book and Braille Library (TBBL) provides free library service to residents of Indiana who cannot use standard printed materials due to a visual, physical, or reading disability. Please see a librarian to apply for this service. JCPL offers a limited collection of children’s books in braille.
The portable RUBY HD video magnifier offers a more comfortable reading experience than the traditional magnifying glass. The seven-inch screen can display more text and magnifies materials up to 24 times.
Memory Kits help stimulate memories for those with dementia or memory impairment. These kits contain a variety of items, such as puzzles, games, books, DVDs, CDs and other sensory elements about a specific theme. They are intended for families and caregivers to use with loved ones to reminisce and engage in meaningful dialog about fond memories.
These titles and online resources have been carefully curated by our librarians as available literature that speaks to accessibility, disabilities and inclusion.
Digital Services
In the Libby App: Accessibility Features: screen reader compatibility and site navigation, change the text size in a e-book, turn on the dyslexic font in a book, reading in sepia or night mode.
In the cloudLibrary App Accessibility Features: Text to speech compatibility through the iOS application, viewing options (font size, margin size, night mode) can be changed from the settings menu.
In hoopla Accessibility Features: Modify options from your device settings menu.