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With more than 10,000 interactive books, educational games, puzzles, and other learning activities—including more than 1,200 of them in Spanish—the award-winning online curriculum of ABCmouse is an invaluable resource for young learners (ages 2-8+).
AccessAcademic Search Complete
Find full-text, peer-reviewed journal articles for nearly all academic areas of study - including social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, ethnic studies and much more. Provided by INSPIRE.
AccessAmerican Physical Society Journals
Journals from the American Physical Society are available for free, courtesy of the APS. *Accessible only within JCPL Branches.
AccessAncestry Library Edition
Discover your family history by searching census records from 1790 to 1940, birth, marriage and death records from around the world, voter registrations, military records, immigration paperwork and much more. New to genealogy? Get started with the helpful tutorials and downloadable forms. Accessible only at Johnson County Public Library branches.
ArtistWorks for Libraries provides patrons with world-class instruction through self-paced video lessons from Grammy Award-winning music professionals. ArtistWorks for Libraries offers users everything they need for musical instruction, from introduction to advanced performance. Access for 30 days via the Libby app under "Extras".
Find a job, business, person or create mailing lists & sales leads. AtoZdatabases is an essential tool for your marketing campaign, helping you reach new movers and homeowners, as well as consumers by location, income, home value and interest.
Discover the culture, custom, food, religion, language, maps and points of interest of 170+ countries of the world. Great for international travel or school reports. (To Login, enter your library card number in the "Code" box under Library Login.)
AccessBiography Reference Source
This database offers a collection of full-text biographies and unique narrative biographies. The database includes coverage of several of the most popular and heavily-researched biographies and genres, including those contained within Biography Today and Biography (both dating back to the first issue published). Provided by INSPIRE.
AccessBusiness Source Complete
Contains full text from the world's top business journals and is particularly strong in both management and marketing. Provided by INSPIRE.
AccessConsumer Health Complete
A comprehensive resource for consumer-oriented health content, Consumer Health Complete is designed to support the information needs of patients and to foster an overall understanding of health-related topics. This resource provides content covering all key areas of health and wellness, from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated medicine. The multilingual health databases provide this information in 16 additional languages. Provided by INSPIRE.
AccessConsumer Reports
Browse and search, a buying advice tool that will ensure you get the best deal or product. You can use it to find reliable ratings and reviews for thousands of products and help you make the most of your time and money. You can also access money-saving advice and tips, buying guides, videos and more.
AccessCreativebug For Libraries
An inspirational resource for DIY, crafters, and makers with more than 1,000 award-winning art and craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists. Sign up for your account using your JCPL card and an email address.
Provides free Indiana BMV practice tests for car, motorcycle, and CDL licenses, online driver’s manuals and a FAQ section with detailed answers to over 100 BMV-related questions. All tests can be read aloud by ESL speakers, those with vision problems and those with such learning disabilities as dyslexia.
AccessEBSCO Management Collection
Provides access to news and articles on topics in business, banking, law, finance, management, advertising, human resources and more. Provided by INSPIRE.
ERIC, the Educational Resource Information Center, provides access to education literature and resources. The database provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index.
AccessFamilySearch (available only at the library)
JCPL is now a FamilySearch Affiliate Library. FamilySearch adds over 300 million free genealogical records and images online yearly from all over the world and manages the famous FamilySearch Library in Salt Lake City. It has amassed billions of birth, marriage, death, census, land and court records from more than 130 countries to help you discover and make family connections. All patrons visiting the site will receive a prompt to sign in with a free FamilySearch account using an existing Facebook, Apple, or Google account or can opt to create a username and password specifically for FamilySearch.
AccessFuel Economy Guide
Provides consumers with information about fuel economy and the benefits of using more fuel-efficient vehicles. Learn more at
AccessGale Courses
Gale Courses offer a wide range of highly interactive courses that you can take entirely over the internet. As a library card holder in good standing, you are entitled to enroll at no cost. Courses run for six weeks and new sessions begin every month. All of our courses are led by expert instructors, many of whom are nationally known authors. Gale Courses are affordable, fun, fast, convenient, and geared just for you.
AccessHealth Business FullTEXT
This database provides full text coverage of nearly 130 well-known administrative journals such as H&HN: Hospitals & Health Networks, Health Management Technology, Modern Healthcare, and many others.
AccessHealth Source: Consumer Edition
This is the richest collection of consumer health information available to libraries worldwide. This resource provides access to nearly 300 full text, consumer health periodicals, including American Fitness, Better Nutrition, Fit Pregnancy, Harvard Health Letter, HealthFacts, Men's Health, Muscle & Fitness, Prevention, Vegetarian Times, and many others.
AccessHealth Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
This resource provides nearly 550 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines.
AccessHeritage Quest
Available within the library or online from your home computer with a library card number and pin number. All U.S. census records from 1790-1930, more than 25,000 local histories and family genealogies, the Genealogical Periodical Source Index (PERSI), and Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files, all fully indexed and searchable.
AccessHistory Reference Source
Designed for secondary schools, public libraries, junior/community colleges and undergraduate research, this database features full text for thousands of primary source documents and informational texts. Provided by INSPIRE.
Indiana's Virtual Online Library - includes encyclopedias, collections of academic articles, historic newspapers, and other online reference material.
AccessIndiana Digital Archives
Family Tree Magazine named this website "Best State Website" in 2010 and "Best Website of 2011" this year. Provides access to Indiana's cultural heritage, military records, and other helpful genealogy records.
AccessIndiana Legal Forms
Indiana legal forms for bankruptcy, divorce, name change, power of attorney, real estate, wills, and other topics are searchable and printable.
AccessLearning Express Library
Organized into targeted learning centers, LearningExpress Library supports those looking to improve core academic skills, find HiSET®, ACT®, SAT®, AP® practice tests, prepare for college, join the military, obtain occupational certification, find a job, change careers, become a U.S. citizen and much more. Provided by INSPIRE.
AccessLinkedIn Learning for Library (was
Access video tutorials in Microsoft Office, Photoshop, web design, business, marketing and much more. Over 16,000 courses in 7 different languages! Just log in with your library card and PIN to start learning.
AccessLiterary Reference Source Plus
A full-text database providing information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and time frames. It gives students, teachers and librarians a complete foundation of literary reference works to meet any and all of their research or instructional needs. Provided by INSPIRE.
LOTE4Kids is our online database of digital books in World Languages that allows children to enjoy the magic of books in LOTE (Languages Other Than English). Each book also comes with English translations to help children learn the language.
AccessMAS Complete
This comprehensive database, designed specifically for high school libraries, contains full text for more than 700 popular high school magazines.
AccessMasterFILE Complete
Designed specifically for public libraries, MasterFILE™ Complete contains full text for more than 1,900 periodicals covering general reference, business, health, education, general science, multicultural issues and much more.
Medline provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more.
Extensive information from the National Institute of Health and other trusted sources on over 7,000 diseases and conditions. There are also lists of hospitals and physicians, a medical encyclopedia and a medical dictionary, health information in Spanish, extensive information on prescription and nonprescription drugs, health information from the media, and links to thousands of clinical trials.
AccessMiddle Search Plus
Middle Search® Plus contains full text for more than 140 popular, middle school magazines, as well as the Encyclopedia of Animals. All full text articles are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles).
AccessMilitary & Government Collection
Provides full text for nearly 300 journals and periodicals. The database also includes full text for 245 pamphlets and offers indexing and abstracts for nearly 400 titles.
AccessMilitary & Intelligence Database
The Military and Intelligence Database periodical list meet the content needs of libraries serving military personnel. Additionally, the product includes The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia and The World Almanac and Book of Facts. (available only at the library)
Search and browse digitized copies of the Franklin Evening Star (1912-1963) and the Daily Journal (1963-present), as well as other Central Indiana newspapers, courtesy of AIM Media and Only accessible at Johnson County Public Library branches; to be logged in, ask at the Reference Desk.
NoveList is the secret to finding your next great read. Get read-alikes and reading recommendations from librarians and other trusted experts. Tell us what you're in the mood for and we'll give you the perfect book.
AccessPoints of View Reference Source
Containing resources that present multiple sides of an issue, this database provides rich content that can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills.Provided by INSPIRE.
AccessPrimary Search
Primary Search contains full text for nearly 70 popular, elementary school magazines. All full text articles are assigned a Lexile reading level indicator.
AccessProDemand Car and Truck Repair Information (available only at the library)
Mitchell's repair information for auto, trucks, and vans including wiring diagrams and vintage model data. Accessible only at Johnson County Public Library branch locations.
AccessProfessional Development Collection
The Professional Development Collection includes full text for nearly 550 high quality education journals.
AccessRead It!
Read It!™ is designed for middle and high school students and anyone who has a basic foundation in English grammar and reading but needs adapted reading material for a variety of subjects. The customized articles and practice quizzes support ELL success and promote reading comprehension across a variety of school subjects and life skill areas. Read It! also offers resources to help build background knowledge, conduct research and improve study skills. Provided by INSPIRE.
AccessReading for Points (
Looking for great books for kids? Need AR Points? Search by grade level, series, or author, or find your school's Accelerated Reader list.
AccessRegional Business News
Provides comprehensive full text for regional U.S. business publications covering business, politics, and economics. Provided by INSPIRE.
AccessRosetta Stone
Access Level One language learning from the popular software series for 30 different languages including Spanish, French, German, Chinese and more. (To access Rosetta Stone outside the library, visit
AccessScience Reference Source
A research database providing easy access to a wealth of full-text, science-oriented content. Designed to meet student researcher's needs, Science Reference Source contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals and other reliable sources. In addition, the database includes a vast collection of images from sources such as UPI, Getty, NASA, National Geographic and the Nature Picture Library. Provided by INSPIRE.
AccessSmall Business Source
This database offers exclusive full text for many top consumer small business reference books, as well as the necessary tools and instructions to address a wide-range of small business topics. In addition, it provides business videos, a help and advice section, and information on how to create business plans. Provided by INSPIRE.
This current events database allows researchers to explore social, political & economic issues, scientific discoveries and other popular topics discussed in today's classrooms including controversial opinions and viewpoints.
AccessTalpa Search
What's that book? Know the cover of the book you read a long time ago but can't think of the title? Did someone recommend a book to you, but you're not sure of the title or author? Try searching Talpa!
AccessTransparent Language Online
Transparent Language Online offers the most comprehensive language-learning solution for libraries. With this flexible program, you can quickly and easily learn new languages using our wide variety of courses and activities. Includes Arabic, Chinese, ESL, French, Hindi, Japanese, Punjabi, Spanish and many more!
AccessTumble Book Library
TumbleBooks are animated, talking picture books which teach kids the joy of reading in a format they'll love. TumbleBooks are created by taking existing picture books, adding animation, sound, music and narration to produce an electronic picture book which you can read, or have read to you.
AccessValue Line
This is your gateway to a powerful investment resource. Value Line provides access to a vault of investment research, approximately 3,500 stocks, data, expert analysis, and unbiased commentary with a time-tested and performance-proven Ranking System. It includes the The Value Line Investment Survey®— Small & Mid-Cap. Please be aware that there is a limit of four (4) simultaneous users. *Please clear the cache/cookies from your web browser before you sign back into Value Line to prevent an error.*
AccessWeiss Financial Ratings Series
Provides independent, unbiased financial strength ratings of banks, credit unions & insurance companies. Includes Buy-Hold-Sell ratings of thousands of stocks, mutual funds & exchange traded funds. Create your own personal account to create a watchlist and log in from anywhere. Compare rates and benefits for Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) too.
ACCESSWorld Book Online Encyclopedia
Online reference source--containing every article from the 22-volume encyclopedia print set plus thousands more. With state-of-the art multimedia, editor-reviewed Web sites, and more.