Effective January 1, 2022, JCPL is Fine Free
Find more information and details in the Fine Free FAQ
Contact Your JCPL Branch if you have questions about your account.

Automatic Renewal
JCPL provides Automatic Renewal for most items. To opt out of automatic renewal, please speak to a circulation staff member.
Learn More
*Accounts with charges of $15 or more, or with materials that are more than 21 days overdue, will be blocked from checking out additional materials until the items have been returned or replaced.*
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Other Limits
What is the maximum number of holds I can place at one time?
25 holds. This includes holds that are active, inactive, in transit and ready for pickup.
How much time do I have to pick up my holds at the branch?
7 Days
How many Interlibrary Loan (ILL) items may I have at one time?
10 items
What is the maximum number of items I can have on my account at one time?
100 items
What are hoopla Instant Borrows?
Choose up to 10 titles per month. Titles are immediately available with no holds or waiting. Instant Borrows are indicated by lightning bolt in upper left hand corner of title.
What are hoopla Flex Borrows?
Borrow up to 8 Flex titles (audiobooks) at a time. You can get another Flex borrow by returning a Flex title you have checked out. If no copies of the Flex title are available, you can place a hold to reserve your place in line. Flex Borrows are indicated by arrows in the upper left hand corner of title.