ArtistWorks can be accessed via the Libby app. You will just need your Library Card number and PIN (last four numbers of the card by default) to log into the service. You'll have full access to content from ArtistWorks for 30 days. When it expires, you can get access through Libby again.
ArtistWorks provides world-class instruction for the most popular string and band instruments through self-paced video lessons from professional musicians. Download the free app, add JCPL as your library, and look for “Extras” to get started!

Check on ukulele availability here
Check on Electronic Keyboard Availability Here
Musical instruments can be checked out for 21 days and can be placed on hold.
Learn to play the ukulele or keyboards using ArtistWorks online video lessons. Set up a free account with your library card and start learning today!
• Easy to use and easy to understand video lessons
• Lessons from accomplished and Grammy award-winning pros
• Lessons on a variety of instruments and music theory
We believe music is for everyone, so we’re excited to be able to offer free music lessons through ArtistWorks for Libraries. Here you’ll find world-class instruction through self-paced video lessons.
Learn rock guitar from platinum recording artist Paul Gilbert. Bone up on your piano skills with Christie Peery, a piano teacher at the San Francisco Conservatory. Develop your own country guitar style with one of the most in-demand Nashville country guitar players/teachers, Guthrie Trapp. Plus dozens more types of lessons from vocals to clarinet to ukulele, recorded by Grammy Award-winning music professionals.
ArtistWorks for Libraries offers users everything you need for musical instruction, from introduction to advanced performance.